Blind or Visually Impaired (BVI)

Photo of student reading braille

Students with vision loss, whether permanent or fluctuating, can perform well in school with the right kind of support. Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI) programs include assessments and habilitation of vision loss. We provide special education instruction and related services that help the educational, communicative and social functioning of students who are blind or visually-impaired.

How to submit a referral for BVI services and determine student qualification:

  1. Release of information form: please obtain permission from the student’s parent/guardian to gather information needed for the referral process.

  2. Eye report: download the 916 Eye Report Form and submit to student’s ophthalmologist (report must be within the last 12 months).

  3. Complete referral form: complete the DHH & BVI services referral form.

  4. Submit the completed referral form and the eye report from the student’s ophthalmologist to your designated district personnel and/or your special education director for approval/signature.

  5. Once approved by your district personnel, send to the DHH/BVI Services Manager, Jay Fehrman.

  6. BVI Staff will review the eye report and the referral information, to determine if the student is eligible for services, and advise of the next steps.

Blind/Visually Impaired Services
Quora Education Center
70 W County Rd B2
Little Canada, MN 55117 (map of location)

(f): 651-415-5509

BVI referral form
Eye report form
Itinerant & Related Services referral


Jay Fehrman

Nikki VanOeveren
Assistant Manager

Josie Dohmen
Administrative Assistant

Kristin Wiley
Office Assistant