Student who is deafblind reading brailleStudents who are deaf-blind can thrive with the help of experts called interveners, who assist them in creating connections to other people and the environment. School-based interveners are available for children ages birth to 21. Interveners work with students to:

  • Open channels of communication with others

  • Provide equal access to information

  • Facilitate opportunities for learning and development

Students with deaf-blindness vary widely in their range of abilities and support needs. Deaf-blindness encompasses a spectrum from mildly hard of hearing plus mildly visually impaired to totally deaf and blind. Therefore, the roles and responsibilities of a school-based intervener are based on the needs of the individual student who is deaf-blind.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services
Quora Education Center
70 W County Rd B2
Little Canada, MN 55117
(map of location)

(f): 651-415-5509

Itinerant & Related Services Referral

Key contacts

Jay Fehrman

Nikki VanOeveren
Assistant Manager

Josie Dohmen
Administrative Assistant

Kristin Knowles
Administrative Support Assistant