Proactive Measures Workshops

Photo of Proactive Measures workshop
Proactive Measures
is a professional development series led by Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District, designed as specialized training that provides teachers and school staff with evidence-based strategies that will empower them to support student success in their least restrictive setting. 

Participants have increased their skills in evidence-based practices, including trauma-informed care, multi-tiered support systems, behavior interventions, comprehensive literacy instruction, and structured teaching.

This series began as a pilot program with a member district in the summer of 2017. Since then, the educator participants have shared their feedback after implementing the practices they learned in their workshops.

After attending the Proactive Measures Workshops:

  • Training increased teacher confidence in their ability to implement research-based strategies.
  • Participants gained skills in creating and implementing strategies to increase student independence.
  • Academic excellence improved, and students became more independent in pursuing academic goals.
  • Teachers and paraprofessionals were communicating more consistently about student needs.
  • Behavioral outcomes improved as educators had more positive interactions with students.
  • Training provided tools to create integrated and layered systems to increase student learning and success.

Proactive Measures Workshop Series 2024

If you have any questions, please email Theresa Wallace or call her at 651-415-5602.

Theresa Wallace
Special Projects Manager

Register Today Link

2024 Calendar


June 11–13

Student Threat Assessment
June 17–18

Google Certification
July 9–August 1

Restorative Practices
July 22–23

Structured Literacy
July 29–August 1 


Structured Teaching
August 7–9

EAS Thriving Series
August 8–9