Northeast Metro 916 provides educational services to students experiencing mental health crises who receive care in hospitals or mental health treatment centers. This helps ensure that each student does not lose track of their educational goals while they are receiving treatment outside of their home schools. 


Grades 1-12

2040 Woodwinds Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125

651-259-9750(f): 651-259-9790
[email protected]
Aris Clinic Website

Photo of Aris student

Aris Clinic provides outpatient psychiatry services and an intensive outpatient program for children and adolescents struggling with emotional and behavioral health needs. Northeast Metro 916 offers educational services to the children and youth in the care of Aris; every therapeutic hour and school hour attended is counted towards school credits. Together, 916 and Aris do all we can to ensure our patients improve and transition back to a stable, healthy, and productive life.

School leadership

Doug Surgenor • Principal • 651-415-5678

The Willows

Ages 13-18
Avanti Center
10300 Flanders St NE
Blaine, Minnesota 55449
(map of location)

763-230-7470 (f): 888-972-8981
Avanti Center Website

Photo of Willows student

Avanti Center offers a continuum of shelter, evaluation, and residential treatment services for adolescents, ages 13-18, experiencing mental health crises. The Willows is an on-site school located in Avanti. Education at The Willows is highly individualized and coordinated with the student's home district, allowing as little disruption in school progress as possible. As students progress in treatment, there are off-site alternatives to assist with reintegration into a mainstream school setting. Decisions regarding the school setting are made in collaboration with the resident and their parents, Willow's staff, and Avanti's treatment team.

School leadership
Doug Surgenor • Principal • 651-415-5678