Students in a working group

Project Return is a short-term, school-based program offered as an alternative to out-of-school suspension or an alternate educational setting. Students in grades 6-12 facing expulsion or being suspended for three to ten school days may enroll for up to 45 school days, during which time they continue to pursue their academic goals while participating in community services designed to support positive behavior.

To communicate with Project Return in a language other than English, please dial (651) 378-3822.

للتواصل مع مدرسة ابنك باللغة العربية، يرجى الاتصال بالرقم 3822-378 (651).

လၢနကဆဲးကျိးတၢ်ဒီး တၢ်မၤလိကၠိလၢ နဖိဆံးထီၣ်အီၤ လၢကညီကျိာ်အဂီၢ်,ဝံသးစူၤ စံၢ်လီၤ လီတဲစိနီၣ်ဂံၢ် (651) 378-3822 တက့ၢ်.

Si aad Af-Soomaali ugula xiriirtid iskuulka ilmahaagu dhigto, fadlan soo wac telefoonka (651) 378-3822.

Para comunicarte con la escuela de tu hijo en español, llama al (651) 378-3822.

Our approach

We focus on a well-rounded school program where students:

  • Make progress on their academic goals
  • Learn new behaviors that may reduce future suspensions
  • Utilize community support services
  • Participate in restorative justice measures and mediation for involved parties
  • Create a personal portfolio that demonstrates self-awareness and reflections about their behaviors.
  • Are treated with respect, compassion, and dignity by teachers and staff

Additional services and benefits

  • Restorative justice
  • Social work and school psychologists
  • Flexible learning spaces
  • Mental health support
  • Open to students in grades 6-12

How to enroll

The administrator should contact the appropriate district representative when considering placement in Project Return. With the support of Project Return staff, the member district determines the number of days the student will spend in Project Return.

When a student enters Project Return, a tentative home school re-entry plan is established with the student, parents, home school contact, community providers, and a Project Return social worker. The plan includes what is needed for the student to return to their home district successfully and the return date. Completion of Project Return is individualized and is characterized by various factors such as program attendance, participation in the program and completion of assigned activities, attainment of goals, demonstration, and application of restorative measures.

Thank you for considering Project Return as a placement option for your student.  Please complete this form as a first step in the referral process. Once completed, a member of the Project Return team will connect with you regarding the next steps, or you will receive a link to complete the Project Return Referral.

Project Return
Bellaire Education Center
2540 County Rd F East
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
(map of location)

651-415-5599 (fax)
[email protected]

Staff directory

School hours

Monday - Friday
8:45 a.m. - 3:02 p.m.

School leaders

Tammy Bednar